is a self-service web app to run a staff happiness survey in your school

I know there are a lot of headteachers and school principals using Raffle Ticket Creator, so some of you might be interested in another little site I just launched:

SchoolStaffSurveys allows headteachers, department heads and school business managers to easily run staff satisfaction surveys amongst their team of teachers.

Why would you want to run a staff engagement survey in a school? Because you'll find out lots of things you didn't know before. And, as an extra bonus, your Ofsted inspector will love you (Non-UK readers: Ofsted is the government agency which inspects and rates each school every few years):

"Inspectors should consider any evidence the school has from regularly surveying staff ... Inspectors will always report on the school's activity to survey staff ..."

But of course it isn't just about an Ofsted inspection, its about doing the right thing for your team. However great your relationship with your staff, you can't know everything from everyone just from walking around and having regular chats. A formal survey is a super-powerful way to really get to the details of how effective your leadership is, and where you can work harder to improve.

School Staff Surveys uses the question set from the annual UK Civil Service People Survey. It asks about topics like:

  • Is change managed well here?
  • Do you have confidence in the decisions made by the leadership team?
  • Is poor performance dealt with effectively?
  • Are you sufficiently challenged by your work?
  • How long do you plan to stay working here?

And so on. There are twelve sections, each with 5-10 questions. All laid out on a fast, responsive web page which your staff can access on their computer, tablet or phone.

You get to see everything in professional-looking graphs which you can share with your team and governors (if you want to!):

So, if you are a headteacher or other school leader, maybe give it it try:


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